These fine art photographic prints and many others are available for purchase at www.ordinaryripplephotography.shootproof.com.
How many times...
... have you wished you had more photographs of your children, grandchildren or an unforgettable companion animal? I don't mean the snapshots hidden in a drawer or the digital images stored on your phone that you will never get around to printing. I will take the photographs, process the images, print your photos and have them shipped to your door. And you will love looking at those memories displayed in your home for years to come. Everyone has a story, let's tell yours.

We will get together at a place of your choosing, on a date and time that works for you. Proofs will be available on-line within 48 hours in a private viewing gallery that you can share with family and friends. Exquisite quality prints come in all sizes and finishes and are delivered right to your door within 2 weeks of ordering. Digital Images can be made available for your photos too!

More! For every image you purchase in an 8x10 print or larger, you get a free web-formatted copy for sharing on social media.
No pressure sales.
You only buy the photos you love.
The ones that I love taking.
Contact me at 613-770-6669 or email to ordinaryripple@gmail.com, or use the easy form below to arrange a session today!
Thank you!